Preparing For Travel…

Well, I am setting sail on a short 4 night cruise out of Fort Lauderdale, Florida on Monday. Today is packing and prep day as I am driving to Ft Lauderdale tomorrow and spending the night in a hotel near the cruise port. This allows a little wiggle room in case of traffic issues. And in Florida on I-95, accidents and travel delays are the norm.

I have my packing list set and hope to share that with you all soon. What I have done additionally to prep so far is fill up the gas tank and a trip to the bank for some cash. I like to carry $2 bills to use as tips for the bar servers. They get a kick out of it. I will need to do the final check in for my cruise tomorrow am before I head out on the road. I’m looking forward to sharing my experiences on this trip with all of you from the perspective of an LGBTQ+ and solo traveler. More to follow…


Solo Cruise to Key West and the Bahamas!


“Every moment is a fresh beginning.” - T.S. Eliot